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Ep. 4 Don’t Allow Your Critical Inner Voice to Control Your Destiny

Show Notes: Don’t Allow Your Critical Inner Voice to Control Your Destiny

Hook: Do you ever dream big, only to be crushed by that harsh, critical voice in your head? What if I told you it’s not really you?

In this episode of Charlie’s Toolbox, we’re diving deep into the concept of the critical inner voice (CIV). I explore where it comes from, how it shows up, and most importantly, how it holds you back from living your fullest potential. Using personal stories and practical tips, I’ll help you identify this voice, reframe it, and develop coping mechanisms to quiet it down for good.

What You’ll Hear:

  • The origins of your critical inner voice (psychology, sociology, and trauma perspectives)

  • How the CIV sabotages dreams with fear, anxiety, and self-doubt

  • My personal battle with the CIV in my 20s and the tools that helped me reclaim my confidence

  • Strategies to disrupt the CIV and replace it with self-compassion and encouragement

Key Moments:

  • [00:01:00] Introduction to the CIV and why it’s so debilitating

  • [00:04:30] Where does the CIV come from? Breaking it down through science and lived experience

  • [00:08:45] The emotional toll of listening to your CIV: anxiety, depression, and giving up

  • [00:12:15] My favorite coping strategies: dreaming with music, sensory movement, and labeling the voice

  • [00:18:30] Encouragement to use your CIV-disparaging muscles for positivity instead

Coping Strategies Discussed:

  1. Dream with Music: Use music as a soundtrack to your dreams, transforming negative emotions into uplifting energy.

  2. Sensory Movement: Walking, stretching, or showering while visualizing can help ADHD brains stay calm and focused.

  3. Label the CIV: By treating the critical voice as a “foreign object,” you can train your brain to reject it over time.

Closing Thought:Your critical inner voice isn’t you—it’s a learned response. The same energy it uses to criticize can be redirected to encourage. With practice, you can reprogram how you talk to yourself and step into your destiny.

Thank You for Listening:Thank you for tuning in to this week’s episode! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share the podcast with someone who might need to hear this message. Let’s rewrite the story together.

Connect with Me:Follow me on social media and YouTube for more tips, reflections, and resources from Charlie’s Toolbox.


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