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Preparing for a Pivot: Practical Steps for Success

Hi there! Welcome to this episode of Charlie's Toolbox. This week's episode is about the practical steps of pivoting. In the last episode, we outlined some questions to reflect on to ensure that you are pivoting to create more self-care instead of running away. This episode is Part 2 and it will consist of the skill sets needed to thrive and why they're important. So, let's get started!

I know a little bit about pivoting. I've had different careers, moved to five states, and lived in three countries. From those experiences, I can tell you that you need certain skills to pivot gracefully. One of them includes decision-making skills. You need to know how to make decisions that prove helpful for you. You need to know that if you made a bad decision, you can always make up for it and change directions. You need to learn how to make quick decisions too.

Decision-making is vital to pivoting because a new path will come with new challenges for which you may not know the best route. You won't necessarily have a blueprint to help guide you. So, you must look at a situation and determine what would be most beneficial for you. These decisions require you to know yourself and make choices that support your needs. If you don't have this skill, start working on it by getting to know yourself. Listen to what doesn't feel right and what does, and make decisions based on those feelings.

Along with decision-making, you need to learn how to budget. No matter what your pivot is, it will require money, and that is the reality of life. So, you need to lower your spending and put money aside into your savings. Create a realistic timeline for your savings goals. Understand your spending habits and be honest about what you can or cannot live without, then create a goal and timeline from there.

Not only do you need to know how to budget and pay attention to your finances, but you also need to know how to manage your anxiety. Even if you have a safety net, you still need to understand how to manage your anxiety because significant changes often create anxiety. It is a natural part of life. So, instead of being shocked when those feelings come out of nowhere, be prepared. Pre-plan for those feelings and outline techniques that you know will help you regulate your emotions. Place notes around your house to remind yourself that you can calm yourself down. I would even go so far as to write down moments where you did regulate. That way, if your mind tries to trick you and lie to you, you have examples that you can point to and refute any thought that tries to stop you from your path.

Finally, do your research. Ask people who have done it how they did it. Google everything. My favorite is YouTube. There will be at least one video that addresses your exact question. Not only that, but they also have videos of locations if you want to move. They have people in the career field you want to be in who can teach you how to interview, what skills you need, and how challenging the environment is. There are so many research tools available to help you prepare for your pivot.

So, on that note, enjoy the pivot, and take care!


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