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Boomers Were Right: You’re Too Self-Indulgent in Your Pain
A paper by Ekin Ok, Yi Qian, Brendan Strejcek, and Karl Aquino titled Signaling Virtuous Victimhood as Indicators of Dark Triad...

Episode 2. From Self-Abandonment to Self-Love
Explore the journey from self-abandonment to self-love. Learn to set boundaries, redefine love, and honor your needs in healthy relationship

Here’s How to Shift Focus and Reclaim Your Power ✨
Are you exhausted by societal pressures to center your worth around romantic relationships? If so, you’re not alone—and we’re here to help.

Decentering Men: The Key to Owning Your Life
Hi there! Welcome to Charlie’s Toolbox, where we empower you to master crafting a life that effortlessly aligns with your authentic self,...

One Truth That Will Help You Grow Up
Truth #1. You must stop the habit of comparison to appreciate your life. When I was job hunting, I used to get really frustrated with how...

Step Away from Self-Help
Take a break from self-improvement. Hi there! Welcome to this week’s episode of Charlie’s Toolbox. Today, we are discussing self-help and...

Learning How to Cope After Years of Emotional Neglect
Hey, Toolies! Welcome to this week's episode of Charlie's Toolbox. This week, we're talking about real life—the gritty and the shitty—and...

How to Cope with Friendship Betrayal
This week we are going to discuss what to do when a friend betrays you.

Choosing Yourself Is a Gift
Transcript for episode 34 on the podcast Charlie's Toolbox.

Getting Back to You: The Art of Remembering Your Spark (Part 1.)
Explore Part 1 of Charlie's Toolbox, where authenticity reigns. Join Charlie Taylor for insightful segments on self-discovery and empowermen

What Happens When You Run Away From Pain
Running from pain often seems like the best choice, but eventually it catches up and you realize that running away was not worth it.

Carefrontation is a tool that help you set your boundaries with care. Learn how to use this today!

The Difficulties of Embracing Peace
This week I want to discuss embracing peace and the struggle that shows up while embracing it.

Understanding Self-Sabotage
Self-Sabotage is very common. However, working through it is not. Learn steps to over come self-sabotage.

How To Make Your Life Magical
We all want to feel spectacular, but we don't know how. Discover six tips to teach you how to find magic.

It's Worth Being True to Yourself
Being yourself is tough when your caretakers teach you that your innate self is wrong. This article teaches you why they are wrong.

The Power of NO
No is one of the best tools to use as a woman. Learn why you should say no, and how.

How To Be Vulnerable When It Is Not Your Norm.
How do you become vulnerable when all you've been taught is vulnerability is a sign of weakness? Want to learn, read here!

How To Understand Your Mistakes, Core Beliefs, And Self-esteem
Mistakes are guiding post, and not an excuse to hurt yourself. Learn how to interpret mistakes in a way that nurtures your self-esteem.

The Case for Loving Yourself
The truth is When you don’t believe in your greatness, you find any standard, person, or lifestyle to make yourself wrong, ugly, undeserving

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